KIK ASS HUMAN - Kimberley Gibbons-Hurinui

KIK ASS HUMAN - Kimberley Gibbons-Hurinui

Who is this KIK ASS Human? Tell us your story.

Kia ora koutou, I’m Kimberley Gibbons-Hurinui. I work in the alcohol and drug services in Christchurch NZ. I am from a little place called Te Rerenga in the Coromandel, if you haven’t been there, you must!! I am 1 of 6 children and have a 20 year old son, who is quite a dude!!

I moved down to Christchurch 2 1/2 years ago from my home town. I moved down here for a fresh start as I had spent a few years back home with Mum, serving a sentence of home detention after being arrested in 2016. I was arrested for meth related charges after struggling with a meth addiction for some time. Now well over 6 years clean and it has been a journey that’s for sure!! I wouldn’t be where I am today with out the support of my Whānau, a LOT of work on myself and fitness/running!!

I am a pretty chill gal, I like to go on spontaneous road trips and am always up for any kind of outdoor adventure. The bush is where I go when I need grounding and if I can find a waterfall in that bush you best believe I’m cleansing my Wairua in there!!

I like to eat!! I am always hungry and quite often cold 😂

How has this affected your life?

From such a negative experience so much positive has come out of it!! I have been asked many times, if I could go back and change it, would I? And my answer is No, which some people find hard to understand. I would change elements of it, like the pain that I caused my whānau and friends, but I wouldn’t change that it happened. Because going through that and experiencing everything that I did during that time, has made me the person that I am today, it gave me a different outlook on life, and more of an appreciation for it and everything that comes with it!!

I have a different understanding of people that are going through addiction and the system, as I have been there myself. And I want to use this experience to change societies view on people that are going through something similar!! Let’s smash the stigma and discrimination against addiction!!

Where are you now and what have you achieved since then?

I am living with my best friend in Ōtautahi (Christchurch) working as a peer support worker, which uses my lived experience with addiction to help support people that are struggling with substance misuse. I also do some peer volunteer work with an organisation called The Speed Freaks, which is a charity that supports those in recovery from addiction to benefit from running and walking. We have a couple of community runs per week that anyone can join us on and we participate in running events in the Canterbury and wider areas. This year I have run a 15k (mt Oxford odyssey), half marathon (21.1k, forest fest), 8k relay (T2A) and a 22k (crater rim) with the speed freaks whānau. Oh and I have just finished a fundraiser that I did with my partner for Movember, where we decided to run 60k a week for the 4 weeks of November to raise awareness and funds for men’s health issues, it was soooooooo hard but it was an awesome challenge for myself and I am super proud to have completed it. Next year I am looking to do my first 30k (rail trail rampage) and marathon (42.2k, Tauranga marathon). I am pumped!!

I am in the early stages of starting a business, so watch this space beginning of next year.

Words of advice to anyone for someone going through something similar?

Believe in yourself, ask for help, find meaningful connections, it’s not easy but it’s so worth it when you come out the other side, read recovery success stories, we do recover!!

It sounds cliche but drink lots of water, eat some veges, get some sun and fresh air!! Run!! Get those endorphins pumping, exercise has helped me push through some of my darkest moments and it is something that is always with us. Feeling stressed, go for a run. Feeling sad, go for a run. Feeling angry, go for a run. Feeling happy, go for a run. Hahaha you get where I’m going here. Even better go for a run in the bush 💕

What does your morning routine look like? Wake up at 6am - 10 mins gratitude meditation. Think about getting up for about 20mins 😂 6.30am - up, washing on, peanut butter on Vogels and a black coffee for breakfast. Get lunch ready, normally left overs from dinner, or will cook up a quick stir-fry and rice to take. Shower, dressed, make bed, hang washing, head to mahi. Twice a week up at 4.45am for a 5.15am run.

What's one question you wish I'd asked you, and how would you have answered?

What advice would you give your 13 year old self?

Love yourself as deeply as you love others!! It’ll be fine. (Something me and my Mum say to each other all the time)

Who inspires you and why? My Māmā. She has been through so much in her life and still continues to be the strongest, kindest, most caring, loving person I know. She is always there for her 6 children and her hundreds (😂) of grandchildren. I strive to be like my Mā and live with as much mana as she does.

What are you most grateful for? My Whānau

Anything else you would like to add?

Don’t take life too seriously. Life is always going to have ups and downs. Feel the feelings, laugh, cry, yell, sing, dance, say I love you. Have fun with it!! It’s not what happens, it’s how we respond to what happens that is important.

Quick questions :)

Cats or dogs - Dogs

Morning person or night person - Morena

Beanies or hats - Hats

Favourite musician - Shania Twain & 50 cent

Favourite food - Mexican

Sweet or savoury - Both 😅

Favourite sport - Running (is running a sport?)

Pineapple on pizza? - Absolutely not

Star sign - Leo

If you are struggling with a drug or alcohol problem, here are some websites can help.  We are not affiliated with any of these and have found these helpful websites online. Please research one that best suits your needs.