Welcome to our first Blog

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7 years ago I met Kelsey in Los Angeles at Venice beach at a hostel.
We were both travelling on our own and met up for a tour called city to snow. We were both from New Zealand so connected straight away. I was loud and crazy and Kels kind and quiet.
The tour was from LA up to Vancouver to then ending in Whistler to work for the snow season. We were both going to Whistler so planned to live together and that’s how our friendship started!
Kelsey inspired me to create this blog called KIK ASS HUMANS because she is and has gone through a lot since moving back to Brisbane. She is the definition of a KIK ASS HUMAN!
She is a survivor of brain surgery and this is her story! Jaz x

Who is this kik ass human?

This question I ask myself daily, who am I? As a surface level answer I am 27yr old Kelsey. A daughter, a sister, an Aunty & a friend. I am of Samoan, New Zealand European decent. I was born & raised in South Auckland, NZ (IYKYK) into a small immediate family but also a huge extended family – if you’re PI then you know what I’m talking about. I have been living in Brisbane Australia since 2010 with a stint in North America. I’m a lover of cereal for dinner, springrolls from Vietnam Cafe Otahuhu, Bao Buns & my cousin Pisila’ Chop Suey (GOAT). You’ll likely find me at the beach, out at brunch with my faves or tucked away with a good book, podcast or Spotify playlist.

I love a New Zealand road trip & a spontaneous overseas getaway. I am passionate about seeing my people grow, seeing them walk in purpose and loving on them through all the highs & lows of life.

While this is all 100% true & quite proudly so, this is a human answer, a society influenced answer but this does not answer the question of who I truely am, Who I am in God. One of many answers…

I Am who has found strength in my weaknesses.

What happened?

In September 2017 I had my first of now 6 seizures in which a high risk malformation was found in the right temporal lobe of my brain. After a year of many many hospital appointments I underwent major brain surgery on 23/11/2018. The malformation was successfully removed though with some complications this procedure resulted in an unexpected second surgery on 04/01/2019. The success of the latter led me into recovery & rehabilitation, a journey inclusive of a diagnosis of Epilepsy which I am currently still navigating my way through.

How has this affected your life?

In ways I cannot explain. Pre & post surgery it was a season of often questioning “why me”. Falling into depression, anxiety & suppressing all my emotions into a bottle of overflow. It was lonely & overwhelming to say the least. An inexperienced struggle.

On the other hand It has bettered my appreciation for the people around me & my outlook on life. It has opened my eyes to the things I/we take for granted when having to relearn how to walk & talk & on my perception of self.

The effects of this season has given me space to grow inwardly & outwardly toward God which overall is thee blessing!

How/where are you now?

Some days are still extremely hard, I go through depths of unhealthy mental & emotional states. I am still healing in more ways than one however I am coming to accept that my life before does not dictate what I make of my life now. A new season. I am learning and am proud to say that I am surrounded by so much love, prayer & support from my inner & wider circles and even people that I wouldn’t have expected to show up for me – how beautiful is the power of community. The cracks in my human life allow for the light to seep through & it is in this light that I Am good. I am back at work (grateful but eye opening), I am setting new goals, planning new adventures & experiencing new things.

Words of advice to anyone going through something similar?

Surround yourself with genuine people. Pray, & if not pray talk to people who will truely listen. Most of all, be kind to yourself!!!

Anything else you’d like to add?

Get behind small local businesses like Kik. Not only do they sell amazing products but they provide a healthy space & platform to learn from others, to experience a bit of life outside of the bubble!

Kelsey x